
System functions (System Information)


Returns a status about your customer-managed key (CMK) for use with Tri-Secret Secure.

See also:

Self-registration overview




Returns a status message indicating the state of your CMK. The output includes the values that you specified when calling SYSTEM$REGISTER_CMK_INFO.

The following messages are possible, using CMKs on Amazon Web Services as a representative example:

  • Your CMK is registered, but not yet enabled, to use Tri-Secret Secure:

    CMK with ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:736112632310:key/ceab36e4-f0e5-4b46-9a78-86e8f17a0f59 is pre-registered for Tri-Secret Secure
  • Your CMK is activated and in use with Tri-Secret Secure:

    CMK with ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:736112632310:key/ceab36e4-f0e5-4b46-9a78-86e8f17a0f59 is activated for Tri-Secret Secure
  • You have an active CMK, but you just pre-registered a new key:

    CMK with ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:736112632310:key/ceab36e4-f0e5-4b46-9a78-86e8f17a0f59 is activated with Tri-Secret Secure, but CMK with ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:481048248138:key/e08cb6c0-7c09-4f37-8e55-e395a12fe965 is pre-registered for Tri-Secret Secure
  • You have an active key, but have not registered any CMK to use Tri-Secret Secure:

    CMK info has not been pre-registered in this account yet, but CMK arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:736112632310:key/ceab36e4-f0e5-4b46-9a78-86e8f17a0f59 is activated with Tri-Secret Secure
  • You have not registered any CMK to use Tri-Secret Secure:

    CMK info has not been pre-registered in this account yet

Usage notes

Only account administrators (users with the ACCOUNTADMIN role) can call this function.


Obtain the status CMK for your Snowflake account:

Language: English