Resets the cumulative privacy loss of a privacy budget to 0.





Name of the privacy policy that specifies the privacy budget. Must be a fully qualified name that includes the database and schema.


Name of a privacy budget.


Name of the organization that contains the account in which the analyst is incurring privacy loss.


Name of the account in which the analyst is incurring privacy loss, specified using the account name format of the account identifier.

Usage notes

  • Globally defined stored procedures utilize caller’s rights. For more details, see Understanding caller’s rights and owner’s rights stored procedures.

  • Cumulative privacy loss is reset the next time a query incurs privacy loss. If you view the privacy budget after calling RESET_PRIVACY_BUDGET but before the first query incurs privacy loss, the cumulative privacy loss will not be 0.


Suppose the my_policy privacy policy includes the analyst_budget privacy budget. To reset the cumulative privacy loss incurred by users associated with the analysts_budget privacy budget who are executing their queries in the companyorg.account_123 account:

Language: English