
Semi-structured and structured data functions (Extraction)


Extracts a field value from an object; returns NULL if either of the arguments is NULL.


This function is similar to GET but applies case-insensitive matching to field names.

See also:




OBJECT (or VARIANT containing an OBJECT)

GET_IGNORE_CASE( <object> , <field_name> )

GET_IGNORE_CASE( <variant> , <field_name> )


GET_IGNORE_CASE( <map> , <key> )



An expression that evaluates to a VARIANT that contains either an ARRAY or an OBJECT.


An expression that evaluates to an OBJECT that contains key-value pairs.


An expression that evaluates to a VARCHAR. This specifies the key in a key-value pair for which you want to retrieve the value.

field_name must not be an empty string.

If object is a structured OBJECT, you must specify a constant for field_name.

If object does not contain the specified key:

  • If object is a semi-structured OBJECT, the function returns NULL.

  • If object is a structured OBJECT, an error occurs.


An expression that evaluates to a MAP.


The key in a key-value pair for which you want to retrieve the value.

If map does not contain the specified key, the function returns NULL.


  • The returned value is the specified element of the ARRAY, or the value that corresponds to the specified key of a key-value pair in the OBJECT.

  • If the input object is a semi-structured OBJECT, ARRAY, or VARIANT, the function returns a VARIANT. The data type is VARIANT because:

    • In an ARRAY, each element is of type VARIANT.

    • In an OBJECT, the value in each key-value pair is of type VARIANT.

  • If the input object is a structured OBJECT, structured ARRAY, or MAP, the function returns a value of the type specified for the object.

    For example, if the type of the input object is ARRAY(NUMBER), the function returns a NUMBER.

Usage notes

  • This function returns the first exact match it finds. If the function only finds ambiguous (case-insensitive) matches, it returns the value for one of the matches; however, no guarantee can be made on which ambiguous field name is matched first.

  • GET_IGNORE_CASE is a binary function that can be called in the following ways:

    • object is an OBJECT value and field_name is a string value, which can be a constant or an expression.

      This variation of GET_IGNORE_CASE extracts the value of the field with the provided name from the object value.

    • v is a VARIANT value and field_name is a string value, which can be a constant or an expression.

      Works similarly to GET_IGNORE_CASE with object, but additionally checks that v contains an object value (and returns NULL if v does not contain an object).


Extract a field value from an object. The function returns the value for the exact match:

SELECT GET_IGNORE_CASE(TO_OBJECT(PARSE_JSON('{"aa":1, "aA":2, "Aa":3, "AA":4}')),'aA') as output;

| 2      |

Extract a field value from an object. The function cannot find an exact match and so returns one of the ambiguous matches:

SELECT GET_IGNORE_CASE(TO_OBJECT(PARSE_JSON('{"aa":1, "aA":2, "Aa":3}')),'AA') as output;

| 3      |

For more detailed examples, see Querying Semi-structured Data.

Language: English