January 07-09, 2025 — 9.0 Release Notes


The release has completed. For differences between the in-advance and final versions of these release notes, see Release notes change log.

Security updates

External key store integration for Tri-Secret Secure — General availability

With this release, Snowflake is pleased to announce the general availability of integration support for Tri-Secret Secure (TSS) with AWS external key stores to securely store and manage a customer-managed key (CMK) outside AWS. Snowflake currently only tests and supports Thales HSM and Thales CCKM data encryption products.

For more information about setting up and configuring TSS with Thales’ solutions, see How to use Thales External Key Store for Tri-Secret Secure on an AWS Snowflake account (https://community.snowflake.com/s/article/thales-xks-for-tss-aws#e3).

Pinning private endpoints — General availability

With this release, Snowflake is pleased to announce the general availability of pinning private endpoints. After configuring inbound AWS PrivateLink or Azure Private Link, pinning your private endpoint ensures that only an authorized private endpoint is used to send traffic from the customer network to an authorized Snowflake account. This helps you harden your security posture by reducing the network attack surface to your Snowflake account.

For more information, see Pinning private connectivity endpoints for inbound traffic.

Release notes change log




Release notes

Initial publication (preview)


EKS for TSS - GA announcement

Moved to Security updates section


Pinning private endpoints - GA announcement

Moved to Security updates section


Language: English