snow app release-directive set

Sets a release directive.


snow app release-directive set
  --channel <channel>
  --target-accounts <target_accounts>
  --version <version>
  --patch <patch>
  --package-entity-id <package_entity_id>
  --app-entity-id <app_entity_id>
  --project <project_definition>
  --env <env_overrides>
  --connection <connection>
  --host <host>
  --port <port>
  --account <account>
  --user <user>
  --password <password>
  --authenticator <authenticator>
  --private-key-file <private_key_file>
  --token-file-path <token_file_path>
  --database <database>
  --schema <schema>
  --role <role>
  --warehouse <warehouse>
  --mfa-passcode <mfa_passcode>
  --diag-log-path <diag_log_path>
  --diag-allowlist-path <diag_allowlist_path>
  --format <format>



Name of the release directive to set.


--channel TEXT

Name of the release channel to use. Default: DEFAULT.

--target-accounts TEXT

List of the accounts to apply the release directive to. Format has to be org1.account1,org2.account2.

--version TEXT

Version of the application package to use.

--patch INTEGER

Patch number to use for the selected version.

--package-entity-id TEXT

The ID of the package entity on which to operate when definition_version is 2 or higher.

--app-entity-id TEXT

The ID of the application entity on which to operate when definition_version is 2 or higher.

-p, --project TEXT

Path where Snowflake project resides. Defaults to current working directory.

--env TEXT

String in format of key=value. Overrides variables from env section used for templates. Default: [].

--connection, -c, --environment TEXT

Name of the connection, as defined in your config.toml file. Default: default.

--host TEXT

Host address for the connection. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--port INTEGER

Port for the connection. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--account, --accountname TEXT

Name assigned to your Snowflake account. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--user, --username TEXT

Username to connect to Snowflake. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--password TEXT

Snowflake password. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--authenticator TEXT

Snowflake authenticator. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--private-key-file, --private-key-path TEXT

Snowflake private key file path. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--token-file-path TEXT

Path to file with an OAuth token that should be used when connecting to Snowflake.

--database, --dbname TEXT

Database to use. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--schema, --schemaname TEXT

Database schema to use. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--role, --rolename TEXT

Role to use. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--warehouse TEXT

Warehouse to use. Overrides the value specified for the connection.

--temporary-connection, -x

Uses connection defined with command line parameters, instead of one defined in config. Default: False.

--mfa-passcode TEXT

Token to use for multi-factor authentication (MFA).


Run Python connector diagnostic test. Default: False.

--diag-log-path TEXT

Diagnostic report path. Default: <temporary_directory>.

--diag-allowlist-path TEXT

Diagnostic report path to optional allowlist.

--format [TABLE|JSON]

Specifies the output format. Default: TABLE.

--verbose, -v

Displays log entries for log levels info and higher. Default: False.


Displays log entries for log levels debug and higher; debug logs contain additional information. Default: False.


Turns off intermediate output to console. Default: False.


Displays the help text for this command.

Usage notes

The snow app release-directive set command sets the release directive for an application package. There are two types of release directives: default and custom.

  • When you set the default release directive, target accounts are not accepted.

  • When you set a new custom release directive, the target accounts are required.

  • When you update an existing custom release directive, the target accounts are optional.

Target accounts are provided in the format ORGANIZATION_NAME.ACCOUNT_NAME, separated by commas.

When release channels are enabled in the application package, the release directive is scoped to the specified release channel; otherwise, it is scoped to the application package.

Snowflake recommends using the snow app publish command to publish the application package and using the snow app release-directive set command for creating custom release directives. See Publishing a Snowflake Native App to customers for more information.`


  • Set the default release directive for an application package:

    snow app release-directive set DEFAULT --version v1 --patch 1
  • Set a custom release directive for an application package:

    snow app release-directive set CUSTOM_DIR --version v1 --patch 1 --target-accounts ORG1.ACCT1,ORG2.ACCT2
  • Update an existing custom release directive for an application package:

    snow app release-directive set CUSTOM_DIR --version v1 --patch 2
  • Set the default release directive of a release channel when the application package has release channels enabled:

    snow app release-directive set DEFAULT --version v1 --patch 1 --channel ALPHA
Language: English