Evaluate cost for hybrid tables

Consumption for hybrid tables

When using hybrid tables, your account is charged based on three modes of consumption.

  • Hybrid table storage: Cost for storage of hybrid tables depends on the amount of data that you are storing in hybrid tables. Storage cost is based on a flat monthly rate per gigabyte (GB). See Table 3(b) in the Snowflake Service Consumption Table, which covers unit pricing for hybrid table storage. Note that hybrid table storage is more expensive than traditional Snowflake storage.

  • Virtual warehouse compute: Queries against hybrid tables are executed through virtual warehouses. The consumption rate of a warehouse is the same for querying hybrid tables as it is for standard tables. See Virtual warehouse credit usage.

  • Hybrid table requests: Hybrid tables consume additional credits because they use serverless resources on the underlying row storage clusters. Consumption is measured based on the amount of data that is read from or written to these clusters. Credits are also consumed for compute resources used to perform background operations, such as compaction.

    See Table 5 in the Snowflake Service Consumption Table, which covers serverless resource unit pricing for hybrid table requests. Because hybrid tables store data in pages, even small read or write operations incur a minimum 4 KB of hybrid table request usage. Snowflake may consolidate concurrent and batch write operations to optimize consumption for hybrid table requests.

Retrieve consumption metrics for hybrid tables

You can view storage usage for hybrid tables and monitor your consumption of hybrid table storage credits by querying Account Usage views.

To monitor storage resources, use the following views:

To monitor virtual warehouse compute resources used during specific queries that are executed against hybrid tables, use the AGGREGATE_QUERY_HISTORY view (see, for example, the WAREHOUSE_SIZE column) .

To monitor historical consumption of hybrid table request credits (serverless compute), use the HYBRID_TABLE_USAGE_HISTORY view.

Language: English