Overview of Views

This topic covers concepts for understanding and using views.

What is a View?

A view allows the result of a query to be accessed as if it were a table. The query is specified in the CREATE VIEW statement.

Views serve a variety of purposes, including combining, segregating, and protecting data. For example, you can create separate views that meet the needs of different types of employees, such as doctors and accountants at a hospital:

CREATE TABLE hospital_table (patient_id INTEGER,
                             patient_name VARCHAR, 
                             billing_address VARCHAR,
                             diagnosis VARCHAR, 
                             treatment VARCHAR,
                             cost NUMBER(10,2));
INSERT INTO hospital_table 
        (patient_ID, patient_name, billing_address, diagnosis, treatment, cost) 
        (1, 'Mark Knopfler', '1982 Telegraph Road', 'Industrial Disease', 
            'a week of peace and quiet', 2000.00),
        (2, 'Guido van Rossum', '37 Florida St.', 'python bite', 'anti-venom', 
CREATE VIEW doctor_view AS
    SELECT patient_ID, patient_name, diagnosis, treatment FROM hospital_table;

CREATE VIEW accountant_view AS
    SELECT patient_ID, patient_name, billing_address, cost FROM hospital_table;

A view can be used almost anywhere that a table can be used (joins, subqueries, etc.). For example, using the views created above:

  • Show all of the types of medical problems for each patient:

    SELECT DISTINCT diagnosis FROM doctor_view;
    | DIAGNOSIS          |
    | Industrial Disease |
    | python bite        |
  • Show the cost of each treatment (without showing personally identifying information about specific patients):

    SELECT treatment, cost 
        FROM doctor_view AS dv, accountant_view AS av
        WHERE av.patient_ID = dv.patient_ID;
    | TREATMENT                 |     COST |
    | a week of peace and quiet |  2000.00 |
    | anti-venom                | 70000.00 |

A CREATE VIEW command can use a fully-qualified, partly-qualified, or unqualified table name. For example:

CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT ... FROM my_database.my_schema.my_table;

CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT ... FROM my_schema.my_table;


If the schema is not specified, then Snowflake assumes that the table is in the same schema as the view. (If the table were assumed to be in the active schema, then the view could refer to different tables at different times.)

Types of Views

Snowflake supports two types of views:

  • Non-materialized views (usually simply referred to as “views”)

  • Materialized views.

Non-materialized Views

The term “view” generically refers to all types of views; however, the term is used here to refer specifically to non-materialized views.

A view is basically a named definition of a query. A non-materialized view’s results are created by executing the query at the time that the view is referenced in a query. The results are not stored for future use. Performance is slower than with materialized views. Non-materialized views are the most common type of view.

Any query expression that returns a valid result can be used to create a non-materialized view, such as:

  • Selecting some (or all) columns in a table.

  • Selecting a specific range of data in table columns.

  • Joining data from two or more tables.

Materialized Views

Although a materialized view is named as though it were a type of view, in many ways it behaves more like a table. A materialized view’s results are stored, almost as though the results were a table. This allows faster access, but requires storage space and active maintenance, both of which incur additional costs.

In addition, materialized views have some restrictions that non-materialized views do not have.

For more details, see Working with Materialized Views.

Secure Views

Both non-materialized and materialized views can be defined as secure. Secure views have advantages over standard views, including improved data privacy and data sharing; however, they also have some performance impacts to take into consideration.

For more details, see Working with Secure Views.

Recursive Views (Non-materialized Views Only)

A non-materialized view can be recursive (i.e. the view can refer to itself).

Use of recursion in views is similar to the use of recursion in recursive CTEs. In fact, a view can be defined with a recursive CTE. For example:

CREATE VIEW employee_hierarchy (title, employee_ID, manager_ID, "MGR_EMP_ID (SHOULD BE SAME)", "MGR TITLE") AS (
   WITH RECURSIVE employee_hierarchy_cte (title, employee_ID, manager_ID, "MGR_EMP_ID (SHOULD BE SAME)", "MGR TITLE") AS (
      -- Start at the top of the hierarchy ...
      SELECT title, employee_ID, manager_ID, NULL AS "MGR_EMP_ID (SHOULD BE SAME)", 'President' AS "MGR TITLE"
        FROM employees
        WHERE title = 'President'
      -- ... and work our way down one level at a time.
      SELECT employees.title, 
             employee_hierarchy_cte.employee_id AS "MGR_EMP_ID (SHOULD BE SAME)", 
             employee_hierarchy_cte.title AS "MGR TITLE"
        FROM employees INNER JOIN employee_hierarchy_cte
       WHERE employee_hierarchy_cte.employee_ID = employees.manager_ID
   SELECT * 
      FROM employee_hierarchy_cte

Instead of using a recursive CTE, you can create a recursive view with the keyword RECURSIVE, for example:

CREATE RECURSIVE VIEW employee_hierarchy_02 (title, employee_ID, manager_ID, "MGR_EMP_ID (SHOULD BE SAME)", "MGR TITLE") AS (
      -- Start at the top of the hierarchy ...
      SELECT title, employee_ID, manager_ID, NULL AS "MGR_EMP_ID (SHOULD BE SAME)", 'President' AS "MGR TITLE"
        FROM employees
        WHERE title = 'President'
      -- ... and work our way down one level at a time.
      SELECT employees.title, 
             employee_hierarchy_02.employee_id AS "MGR_EMP_ID (SHOULD BE SAME)", 
             employee_hierarchy_02.title AS "MGR TITLE"
        FROM employees INNER JOIN employee_hierarchy_02
        WHERE employee_hierarchy_02.employee_ID = employees.manager_ID

For more details, including examples, see CREATE VIEW.

Advantages of Views

Views Enable Writing More Modular Code

Views help you to write clearer, more modular SQL code. For example, suppose that your hospital database has a table listing information about all employees. You can create views to make it convenient to extract information about only the medical staff or only the maintenance staff. You can even create hierarchies of views.

For example, you can create one view for the doctors, and one for the nurses, and then create the medical_staff view by referring to the doctors view and nurses view:

CREATE TABLE employees (id INTEGER, title VARCHAR);
INSERT INTO employees (id, title) VALUES
    (1, 'doctor'),
    (2, 'nurse'),
    (3, 'janitor')

CREATE VIEW doctors as SELECT * FROM employees WHERE title = 'doctor';
CREATE VIEW nurses as SELECT * FROM employees WHERE title = 'nurse';
CREATE VIEW medical_staff AS
    SELECT * FROM doctors
    SELECT * FROM nurses
    FROM medical_staff
    ORDER BY id;
| ID | TITLE  |
|  1 | doctor |
|  2 | nurse  |

In many cases, rather than writing one large and difficult-to-understand query, you can decompose the query into smaller pieces, and create a view for each of those pieces. This not only makes the code easier to understand, but in many cases it also makes the code easier to debug because you can debug one view at a time, rather than the entire query.

One view can be referenced by many different queries, so views help increase code re-use.

Views Allow Granting Access to a Subset of a Table

Views allow you to grant access to just a portion of the data in a table(s). For example, suppose that you have a table of medical patient records. The medical staff should have access to all of the medical information (for example, diagnosis) but not the financial information (for example, the patient’s credit card number). The accounting staff should have access to the billing-related information, such as the costs of each of the prescriptions given to the patient, but not to the private medical data, such as diagnosis of a mental health condition. You can create two separate views, one for the medical staff, and one for the billing staff, so that each of those roles sees only the information needed to perform their jobs. Views allow this because you can grant privileges on a particular view to a particular role, without the grantee role having privileges on the table(s) underlying the view.

In the medical example:

  • The medical staff would not have privileges on the data table(s), but would have privileges on the view showing diagnosis and treatment.

  • The accounting staff would not have privileges on the data table(s), but would have privileges on the view showing billing information.

For additional security, Snowflake supports defining a view as secure. For more details about secure views, see Working with Secure Views.

Materialized Views Can Improve Performance

Materialized Views are designed to improve performance. Materialized Views contain a copy of a subset of the data in a table. Depending upon the amount of data in the table and in the materialized view, scanning the materialized view can be much faster than scanning the table. Materialized views also support clustering, and you can create multiple materialized views on the same data, with each materialized view being clustered on a different column, so that different queries can each run on the view with the best clustering for that query.

For more details, see Working with Materialized Views.

Limitations on Views

  • For limitations and usage notes related to creating views, see CREATE VIEW.

  • The definition for a view cannot be updated (i.e. you cannot use ALTER VIEW or ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW to change the definition of a view). To change a view definition, you must recreate the view with the new definition.

  • Views are read-only (i.e. you cannot execute DML commands directly on a view). However, you can use a view in a subquery within a DML statement that updates the underlying base table. For example:

    DELETE FROM hospital_table 
        WHERE cost > (SELECT AVG(cost) FROM accountant_view);
  • Changes to a table are not automatically propagated to views created on that table. For example, if you drop a column in a table, the views on that table might become invalid.

Language: English