August 22-23, 2023 – 7.29 Release Notes (with behavior changes)

Behavior Changes Bundles

This release contains the following behavior change bundles:

Bundle Name

Status in this Release

Previous Status


Disabled by default; admins can enable for testing

N/A (introduced in this release)


Enabled by default; admins can disable for opt-out

Disabled by default


Generally enabled; admins can no longer enable/disable

Enabled by default

The status for each bundle will change in the next behavior change release, planned for September; however, this schedule is subject to change.

For more information about bundle statuses and how they may impact your accounts, see About Behavior Changes.

Non-bundled Pending Behavior Changes

The following changes are pending, but are not part of a bundle, and therefore cannot be enabled for testing:

SQL Updates

GET_QUERY_OPERATOR_STATS Function — General Availability

With this release, we are pleased to announce the general availability of the GET_QUERY_OPERATOR_STATS system function, which provides programmatic access to the query profile. For more information, see GET_QUERY_OPERATOR_STATS.

New SQL Functions

The following function(s) are now available with this release:

Function Category

New Function


Semi-Structured Data Functions (Array/Object)


Given an input ARRAY, returns the element with the highest value that is not a SQL NULL.

Semi-Structured Data Functions (Array/Object)


Given an input ARRAY, returns the element with the lowest value that is not a SQL NULL.

Semi-Structured Data Functions (Array/Object)


Returns an ARRAY that contains the elements of the input ARRAY sorted in ascending or descending order.

Language: English