October 16-17, 2023 — 7.37 Release Notes


The release has completed.

For differences between the in-advance and final versions of these release notes, see Release Notes Change Log.

New Features

Logging and tracing from handler code — General Availability

With this release, we are pleased to announce the general availability of logging and tracing from handler code, which was previously available as a preview feature.

With this feature, you can emit log and trace event data from UDF and procedure handler code so that the data is stored in an event table associated with your account. You can then query the stored data to analyze it.

For more information, see Logging, tracing, and metrics.

Extensibility Updates

Reading files with a Python function or procedure — General Availability

With this release, we are pleased to announce the general availability of Python support for reading files with the SnowflakeFile class.

SnowflakeFile is a new class in the snowflake.snowpark.files module that provides dynamic read access for files on an internal or external stage. With SnowflakeFile, you can stream files to accomplish tasks such as reading unstructured data or using your own machine learning model in a user-defined function (UDF), user-defined table function (UDTF), or stored procedure.

For more information, see:

Reading files with a Scala function or procedure handler — General Availability

With this release, we are pleased to announce the general availability of support for reading staged files with a UDF or procedure handler code written in Scala.

For more information, see Reading a File with a Scala UDF and Writing Scala handlers for stored procedures created with SQL.

SQL Updates

Fixed an issue with column aliases for aggregates and the GROUP BY ALL clause

Previously, if a SELECT statement with a GROUP BY ALL clause defined and referred to a column alias for an aggregate, the statement would fail with the error not a valid group by expression.

For example, the following statement has a GROUP BY ALL clause, defines the column alias total for an aggregate, and refers to that alias (ROUND(total)):

SELECT ... , SUM(my_column) AS total, ROUND(total) FROM mytable GROUP BY ALL ... ;

This statement would fail with the following error message:

Error Code: 000979
  Error Message: SQL compilation error:
    [SUM(MYTABLE.MY_COLUMN)] is not a valid group by expression

This issue has been fixed, and these types of statements no longer fail with not a valid group by expression errors.

Web Interface Updates

Can no longer add or manage payment details using Classic Console

With this release, customers can no longer add or manage payment details for Snowflake On Demand using the Classic Console web interface. Instead, you must use Snowsight to manage payment details.

For details, see Converting to a paid account.

Release Notes Change Log



Can no longer add or manage payment details using Classic Console

Added to Web Interface Updates

Fixed an issue with column aliases for aggregates and the GROUP BY ALL clause

Added to SQL Updates

Language: English