May 13-15, 2024 — 8.19 Release Notes


The release has completed.

For differences between the in-advance and final versions of these release notes, see Release notes change log.

New features

Serverless alerts — Preview

With this release, we are pleased to announce the preview of the serverless compute model for Snowflake alerts.

When you configure an alert to use the serverless compute model, Snowflake automatically resizes and scales up or down the compute resources required for the alert. Snowflake determines the ideal size of the compute resources for a given run based on a dynamic analysis of statistics for the most recent previous runs of the same alert.

To use the serverless compute model for an alert, omit the WAREHOUSE parameter when executing the CREATE ALERT command.

For more information, see Setting up alerts based on data in Snowflake.

Security updates

Tri-Secret Secure self-registration

With this release, we are pleased to announce the Tri-Secret Secure self-registration process for customer-managed keys (CMKs). You can use the process to register and activate a CMK for use with Tri-Secret Secure. Additionally, if you decide to replace a CMK, the self-registration process informs you whether your new CMK is registered and activated. After you complete the self-registration process, you can contact Snowflake Support to enable your Snowflake account to use Tri-Secret Secure.

For more information, see Understanding Tri-Secret Secure in Snowflake.

SQL updates

Jinja2 template support for EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FROM — Preview

With this release, we are pleased to announce the preview of templating support for the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FROM command. You can generate and execute SQL scripts using a Jinja2 template file. Templating enables more flexible control structures and enables parameterization using template variables. For example, the deployment target of the objects defined in a script can be dynamically chosen using a template file.

For more information, see EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FROM.

Data loading/unloading updates

Resolved a known issue for INCLUDE_METADATA copy option

Previously, for CSV only, there was a known issue when the INCLUDE_METADATA copy option was used with MATCH_BY_COLUMN_NAME. With this release, we are pleased to announce that this issue is resolved.

For more information, see Copy options (copyOptions).

Release notes change log




Release notes

Initial publication (preview)


Structured type evolution for |iceberg-tm| tables

Removed from Data lake updates section


Resolved a known issue for INCLUDE_METADATA copy option

Added to Data loading/unloading updates section


Language: English