按照我们的教程启动并使用 Snowflake Data Cloud
40 教程
25 分
Common setup for Snowflake Python API tutorials
This tutorial provides instructions for the common setup required for all Snowflake Python API tutorials.
20 分
Common Setup for Snowpark Container Services Tutorials
This tutorial provides instructions for the common setup required for all Snowpark Container Services tutorials.
30 分
In this tutorial you will learn how to create users and grant roles with SQL commands.
45 分
Getting started with hybrid tables
In this tutorial you will learn how to create and use hybrid tables.
使用 Snowpark Python 加载和查询示例数据
In this tutorial you will learn how to load and query Tasty Bytes sample data using Snowpark Python.
使用 SQL 加载和查询示例数据
In this tutorial you will learn how to load and query Tasty Bytes sample data using SQL.
从云存储加载数据:Amazon S3
In this tutorial you will learn how to use SQL commands to load data from cloud storage.
Load data from cloud storage: GCS
从云存储加载数据:Microsoft Azure
Snowflake in 20 minutes
In this tutorial you will learn how to interact with Snowflake using SnowSQL.
15 分
Tutorial 1: Build a simple search application with Cortex Search
This tutorial walks through a basic end-to-end setup for using Cortex Search on a dataset consisting of AirBnb listings.
Tutorial 1: Create a database, schema, table, and warehouse
Create and manage a Snowflake database, schema, table, and warehouse using the Snowflake Python API.
60 分
Tutorial 1: Create a Snowpark Container Services Service
Create an introductory Snowpark Container Service that echoes prompts.
Tutorial 2: Build a simple chat application with Cortex Search
This tutorial walks through building a basic chatbot with Cortex Search and LLM functions on a dataset consisting of book descriptions and authors.
Tutorial 2: Create a Snowpark Container Services Job Service
Create a Snowpark Container Service Job.
Tutorial 2: Create and manage tasks and task graphs (DAGs)
Create and manage Snowflake tasks and task graphs (DAGs) using the Snowflake Python API.
Tutorial 3: Build a PDF chatbot with Cortex Search
This tutorial walks through an end-to-end setup for creating a Chatbot using Cortex Search on a PDF dataset consisting of Federal Open Market Committee meeting minutes.
Tutorial 3: Create and manage Snowpark Container Services
Create and manage components in Snowpark Container Services using the Snowflake Python API.
Tutorial 3: Service-to-Service Communications
Create a Snowpark Container Service that performs service-to-service communication.
教程 4:创建已挂载块存储卷的服务
Create a Snowpark Container Service that uses a block storage volume.
Tutorial 5: Configure and test service endpoint privileges
Tutorial: Answer questions about time-series revenue data with |cortex-analyst|
This tutorial walks through a basic end-to-end setup for using |cortex-analyst| on a time-series revenue data set.
Tutorial: Bulk loading from a local file system using COPY
This tutorial describes how to load data from files in your local file system into a table.
Tutorial: Bulk loading from Amazon S3 using COPY
This tutorial describes how to load data from files in an existing Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket into a table.
Tutorial: Create a document processing pipeline with Document AI
This tutorial describes how to prepare a Document AI model build and create a processing pipeline using streams and tasks.
Tutorial: Create a Snowflake Native App with Snowpark Container Services
This tutorial describes how to create a Snowflake Native App with Snowpark Container Services using the Snowflake Native App Framework and Snowpark Container Services.
Tutorial: Create your first Iceberg table
In this tutorial you will learn how to create, update, and query a Snowflake-managed Iceberg table.
Tutorial: Developing a Snowflake Native App with the Snowflake Native App Framework
This tutorial describes how to use the Snowflake Native App Framework to create a Snowflake Native App to share data and related business logic with other Snowflake accounts.
Tutorial: Get started with logging and tracing
This tutorial introduces the basics of emitting, collecting, and querying log and trace data from function and procedure handler code.
Tutorial: Get started with the web app of a Snowflake Data Clean Room
This tutorial describes how to use a Snowflake Data Clean Room to collaborate within a privacy-preserving environment.
40 分
Tutorial: Getting started with Budgets
In this tutorial you will learn how to activate and set up the account budget and create a custom budget.
Tutorial: Getting started with data metric functions
In this tutorial you will learn how to use a custom data metric function to measure data quality.
Tutorial: Improve Workload Performance with the Query Acceleration Service
In this tutorial you will learn how to leverage the Query Acceleration Service (QAS) to improve your overall workload performance.
Tutorial: JSON basics for Snowflake
In this tutorial you will learn the basics of using JSON with Snowflake.
Tutorial: Loading and unloading Parquet data
Loading and unloading Parquet data
Tutorial: Loading JSON data into a relational table
Loading JSON data into a relational table.
Tutorial: Native SDK for Connectors Java Template
In this tutorial you will learn how to use the Native SDK for Connectors template to accelerate initial development of a Connector Native Application.
教程:测试 Python Snowpark
This tutorial introduces the basics of testing your Snowpark Python code.
Tutorial: Snowflake ServiceNow® data ingestion connector installation
Step-by-step to set up a ServiceNow® connector
Working with the MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors for Snowflake
In this tutorial you will connect to and import both MySQL and PostgreSQL data.