Writing a UDTF in Python

You can implement a user-defined table function (UDTF) handler in Python. This handler code executes when the UDTF is called. This topic describes how to implement a handler in Python and create the UDTF.

A UDTF is a user-defined function (UDF) that returns tabular results. For more about UDF handlers implemented in Python, see Creating Python UDFs. For more general information about UDFs, see User-defined functions overview.

In the handler for a UDTF, you can process input rows (see Processing rows in this topic). You can also have logic that executes for each input partition (see Processing partitions in this topic).

When you create a Python UDTF, you do the following:

  1. Implement a class with methods that Snowflake will invoke when the UDTF is called.

    For more details, see Implementing a handler in this topic.

  2. Create the UDTF in SQL with the CREATE FUNCTION command, specifying your class as the handler. When you create the UDTF, you specify:

    • Data types of UDTF input parameters.

    • Data types of columns returned by the UDTF.

    • Code to execute as a handler when the UDTF is called.

    • The language in which the handler is implemented.

    For more about syntax, see Creating the UDTF with CREATE FUNCTION in this topic.

You can call a UDF or UDTF as described in Executing a UDF.


Table functions (UDTFs) have a limit of 500 input arguments and 500 output columns.

Snowflake currently supports writing UDTFs in the following versions of Python:

  • 3.9

  • 3.10

  • 3.11

  • 3.12 (Preview Feature — Open and available to all accounts.)

In your CREATE FUNCTION statement, set runtime_version to the desired version.

Implementing a handler

You implement a handler class to process UDTF argument values into tabular results and handle partitioned input. For a handler class example, see Handler class example in this topic.

When you create the UDTF with CREATE FUNCTION, you specify this class as the UDTF’s handler. For more on the SQL to create the function, see Creating the UDTF with CREATE FUNCTION in this topic.

A handler class implements methods Snowflake will invoke when the UDTF is called. This class contains the UDTF’s logic.




__init__ method


Initializes state for stateful processing of input partitions. For more information, see Initializing the handler in this topic.

process method


Processes each input row, returning a tabular value as tuples. Snowflake invokes this method, passing input from the UDTF’s arguments. For more information, see Defining a process method in this topic.

end_partition method


Finalizes processing of input partitions, returning a tabular value as tuples. For more information, see Finalizing partition processing in this topic.

Note that throwing an exception from any method in the handler class causes processing to stop. The query that called the UDTF fails with an error message.


If your code doesn’t meet the requirements described here, UDTF creation or execution may fail. Snowflake will detect violations when the CREATE FUNCTION statement executes.

Handler class example

Code in the following example creates a UDTF whose handler class processes rows in a partition. The process method processes each input row, returning a row with the total cost for a stock sale. After processing rows in the partition, it returns (from its end_partition method) the total for all sales included in the partition.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION stock_sale_sum(symbol VARCHAR, quantity NUMBER, price NUMBER(10,2))
  RETURNS TABLE (symbol VARCHAR, total NUMBER(10,2))
  HANDLER = 'StockSaleSum'
AS $$
class StockSaleSum:
    def __init__(self):
        self._cost_total = 0
        self._symbol = ""

    def process(self, symbol, quantity, price):
      self._symbol = symbol
      cost = quantity * price
      self._cost_total += cost
      yield (symbol, cost)

    def end_partition(self):
      yield (self._symbol, self._cost_total)

Code in the following example calls the preceding UDF, passing values from columns symbol, quantity, and price from the stocks_table table. For more information about calling a UDTF, refer to Executing a UDF.

SELECT stock_sale_sum.symbol, total
  FROM stocks_table, TABLE(stock_sale_sum(symbol, quantity, price) OVER (PARTITION BY symbol));

Initializing the handler

You can optionally implement an __init__ method in your handler class that Snowflake will invoke before the handler has begun processing rows. For example, you can use this method to establish some partition-scoped state for the handler. Your __init__ method may not produce output rows.

The method’s signature must be of the following form:

def __init__(self):

For example, you might want to:

  • Initialize state for a partition, then use this state in the process and end_partition methods.

  • Execute long-running initialization that needs to be done only once per partition rather than once per row.


You can also execute logic once before partition handling begins by including that code outside the handler class, such as before the class declaration.

For more about processing partitions, see Processing partitions in this topic.

If you use an __init__ method, keep in mind that __init__:

  • Can take only self as an argument.

  • Cannot produce output rows. Use your process method implementation for that.

  • Is invoked once for each partition, and before the process method is invoked.

Processing rows

Implement a process method that Snowflake will invoke for each input row.

Defining a process method

Define a process method that receives as values the UDTF arguments converted from SQL types, returning data that Snowflake will use to create the UDTF’s tabular return value.

The method’s signature must be of the following form:

def process(self, *args):

Your process method must:

  • Have a self parameter.

  • Declare method parameters corresponding to UDTF parameters.

    Method parameter names needn’t match UDTF parameter names, but the method parameters must be declared in the same order as UDTF parameters are declared.

    When passing UDTF argument values to your method, Snowflake will convert the values from SQL types to the Python types you use in the method. For information about how Snowflake maps between SQL and Python data types, see SQL-Python Data Type Mappings.

  • Yield one or more tuples (or return an iterable containing tuples), in which the sequence of tuples corresponds to the sequence of UDTF return value columns.

    The tuple elements must appear in the same order as UDTF return value columns are declared. For more information, see Returning a value in this topic.

    Snowflake will convert values from Python types to SQL types required by the UDTF declaration. For information about how Snowflake maps between SQL and Python data types, see SQL-Python Data Type Mappings.

If a method in the handler class throws an exception, processing will stop. The query that called the UDTF will fail with an error message. If the process method returns None, processing stops. (The end_partition method is still invoked even if the process method returns None.)

process Method Example

Code in the following example shows a StockSale handler class with a process method that processes three UDTF arguments (symbol, quantity, and price), returning a single row with two columns (symbol and total). Note that process method parameters are declared in the same order as stock_sale parameters. Arguments in the process method’s yield statement are in the same order as columns declared in the stock_sale RETURNS TABLE clause.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION stock_sale(symbol VARCHAR, quantity NUMBER, price NUMBER(10,2))
  RETURNS TABLE (symbol VARCHAR, total NUMBER(10,2))
  HANDLER = 'StockSale'
AS $$
class StockSale:
    def process(self, symbol, quantity, price):
      cost = quantity * price
      yield (symbol, cost)

Code in the following example calls the preceding UDF, passing values from columns symbol, quantity, and price from the stocks_table table.

SELECT stock_sale.symbol, total
  FROM stocks_table, TABLE(stock_sale(symbol, quantity, price) OVER (PARTITION BY symbol));

Returning a value

When returning output rows, you can use either yield or return (but not both) to return tuples with the tabular value. If the method returns or yields None, processing for the current row stops.

  • When using yield, execute a separate yield statement for each output row. This is the best practice because the lazy evaluation that comes with yield enables more efficient processing and can help avoid timeouts.

    Each element in the tuple becomes a column value in the result returned by the UDTF. The order of yield arguments must match the order of columns declared for the return value in the RETURNS TABLE clause of CREATE FUNCTION.

    Code in the following example returns values representing two rows.

    def process(self, symbol, quantity, price):
      cost = quantity * price
      yield (symbol, cost)
      yield (symbol, cost)

    Note that because the yield argument is a tuple, you must include a trailing comma when passing a single value in the tuple, as in the following example.

    yield (cost,)
  • When using return, return an iterable with tuples.

    Each value in a tuple becomes a column value in the result returned by the UDTF. The order of column values in a tuple must match the order of columns declared for the return value in the RETURNS TABLE clause of CREATE FUNCTION.

    Code in the following example returns two rows, each with two columns: symbol and total.

    def process(self, symbol, quantity, price):
      cost = quantity * price
      return [(symbol, cost), (symbol, cost)]

Skipping rows

To skip an input row and process the next row (such as when you’re validating the input rows), have the process method return one of the following:

  • When using return, return None, a list containing None, or an empty list to skip the row.

  • When using yield, return None to skip a row.

    Note that if you have multiple calls to yield, any calls after a call that returns None will be ignored by Snowflake.

Code in the following example returns only the rows for which number is a positive integer. If number is not positive, the method returns None to skip the current row and continue processing the next row.

def process(self, number):
  if number < 1:
    yield None
    yield (number)

Stateful and stateless processing

You can implement the handler to process rows in a partition-aware manner or to process them simply row by row.

  • In partition-aware processing, the handler includes code to manage partition-scoped state. This includes an __init__ method that executes at the start of partition processing and an end_partition method that Snowflake invokes after processing the partition’s last row. For more information, see Processing partitions in this topic.

  • In partition-unaware processing, the handler executes statelessly, ignoring partition boundaries.

    To have the handler execute this way, do not include an __init__ or end_partition method.

Processing partitions

You can process partitions in input with code that executes per partition (such as to manage state) as well as code that executes for each row in the partition.


For more information on specifying partitions when calling a UDTF, refer to Table functions and partitions.

When a query includes partitions, it aggregates rows using a specified value, such as the value of a column. The aggregated rows your handler receives are said to be partitioned by that value. Your code can process these partitions and their rows so that the processing for each partition includes partition-scoped state.

Code in the following SQL example queries for stock sale information. It executes a stock_sale_sum UDTF whose input is partitioned by the value of the symbol column.

SELECT stock_sale_sum.symbol, total
  FROM stocks_table, TABLE(stock_sale_sum(symbol, quantity, price) OVER (PARTITION BY symbol));

Keep in mind that even when incoming rows are partitioned, your code can ignore the partition separation and just process the rows. For example, you can omit code designed to handle partition-scoped state, such as a handler class __init__ method and end_partition method, and just implement the process method. For more information, see Stateful and stateless processing in this topic.

To process each partition as a unit, you would:

  • Implement a handler class __init__ method in which to initialize processing for the partition.

    For more information, see Initializing the handler in this topic.

  • Include partition-aware code when processing each row with the process method.

    For more information on processing rows, see Processing rows in this topic.

  • Implement an end_partition method to finalize partition processing.

    For more information, see Finalizing partition processing in this topic.

The following describes the sequence of invocations to your handler when you’ve included code designed to execute per partition.

  1. When processing for a partition starts, and before the first row has been processed, Snowflake uses the __init__ method of your handler class to create an instance of the class.

    Here, you can establish partition-scoped state. For example, you might initialize an instance variable to hold a value calculated from rows in the partition.

  2. For each row in the partition, Snowflake invokes the process method.

    Each time the method executes, it can make changes to state values. For example, you might have the process method update the value of the instance variable.

  3. After your code has processed the last row in the partition, Snowflake invokes your end_partition method.

    From this method you can return output rows containing a partition-level value you want to return. For example, you might return the value of the instance variable you’ve been updating as you processed rows in the partition.

    Your end_partition method won’t receive any arguments from Snowflake, which simply invokes it after you process the last row in the partition.

Finalizing partition processing

You can optionally implement an end_partition method in your handler class that Snowflake will invoke after you have processed all rows in a partition. In this method, you can execute code for a partition after all of the partition’s rows have been processed. Your end_partition method may produce output rows, such as to return the results of a partition-scoped calculation. For more information, see Processing partitions in this topic.

The method’s signature must be of the following form:

def end_partition(self):

Snowflake expects the following of your end_partition method implementation:

  • It must not be static.

  • It may not have any parameters other than self.

  • As an alternative to returning a tabular value, it may produce an empty list or None.


While Snowflake supports large partitions with timeouts tuned to process them successfully, especially large partitions can cause processing to time out (such as when end_partition takes too long to complete). Please contact Snowflake Support if you need the timeout threshold adjusted for specific usage scenarios.

Partition handling example

Code in the following example calculates the total cost paid across purchases for a stock by first calculating the cost per purchase and adding purchases together (in the process method). The code returns the total in the end_partition method.

For an example of a UDTF that includes this handler, along with calling the UDTF, refer to Handler class example.

class StockSaleSum:
  def __init__(self):
    self._cost_total = 0
    self._symbol = ""

  def process(self, symbol, quantity, price):
    self._symbol = symbol
    cost = quantity * price
    self._cost_total += cost
    yield (symbol, cost)

  def end_partition(self):
    yield (self._symbol, self._cost_total)

When processing partitions, keep in mind the following:

  • Your code may handle partitions that aren’t explicitly specified in a call to the UDTF. Even when a call to the UDTF doesn’t include a PARTITION BY clause, Snowflake partitions the data implicitly.

  • Your process method will receive row data in the order specified by the partition’s ORDER BY clause, if any.


Using an imported package

You can use Python packages that are included in a curated list of third party packages from Anaconda available in Snowflake. To specify these packages as dependencies in the UDTF, use the PACKAGES clause in CREATE FUNCTION.

You can discover the list of included packages by executing the following SQL in Snowflake:


For more information, see Using third-party packages and Creating Python UDFs.

Code in the following example uses a function in the NumPy (Numerical Python) (https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/index.html) package to calculate the average price per share from an array of stock purchases, each with a different price per share.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION stock_sale_average(symbol VARCHAR, quantity NUMBER, price NUMBER(10,2))
  RETURNS TABLE (symbol VARCHAR, total NUMBER(10,2))
  PACKAGES = ('numpy')
  HANDLER = 'StockSaleAverage'
AS $$
import numpy as np

class StockSaleAverage:
    def __init__(self):
      self._price_array = []
      self._quantity_total = 0
      self._symbol = ""

    def process(self, symbol, quantity, price):
      self._symbol = symbol
      cost = quantity * price
      yield (symbol, cost)

    def end_partition(self):
      np_array = np.array(self._price_array)
      avg = np.average(np_array)
      yield (self._symbol, avg)

Code in the following example calls the preceding UDF, passing values from columns symbol, quantity, and price from the stocks_table table. For more information about calling a UDTF, refer to Executing a UDF.

SELECT stock_sale_average.symbol, total
  FROM stocks_table,
  TABLE(stock_sale_average(symbol, quantity, price)
    OVER (PARTITION BY symbol));

Running concurrent tasks with worker processes

You can run concurrent tasks using Python worker processes. You might find this useful when you need to run parallel tasks that take advantage of multiple CPU cores on warehouse nodes.


Snowflake recommends that you not use the built-in Python multiprocessing module.

To work around cases where the Python Global Interpreter Lock (https://wiki.python.org/moin/GlobalInterpreterLock) prevents a multi-tasking approach from scaling across all CPU cores, you can execute concurrent tasks using separate worker processes, rather than threads.

You can do this on Snowflake warehouses by using the joblib library’s Parallel class, as in the following example.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION joblib_multiprocessing_udtf(i INT)
  HANDLER = 'JoblibMultiprocessing'
  PACKAGES = ('joblib')
AS $$
import joblib
from math import sqrt

class JoblibMultiprocessing:
  def process(self, i):

  def end_partition(self):
    result = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(joblib.delayed(sqrt)(i ** 2) for i in range(10))
    for r in result:
      yield (r, )


The default backend used for joblib.Parallel differs between Snowflake standard and Snowpark-optimized warehouses.

  • Standard warehouse default: threading

  • Snowpark-optimized warehouse default: loky (multiprocessing)

You can override the default backend setting by calling the joblib.parallel_backend function, as in the following example.

import joblib

Creating the UDTF with CREATE FUNCTION

You create a UDTF in SQL using the CREATE FUNCTION command, specifying the code you wrote as the handler. For the command reference, see CREATE FUNCTION.

Use the following syntax when creating a UDTF.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION <name> ( [ <arguments> ] )
  RETURNS TABLE ( <output_column_name> <output_column_type> [, <output_column_name> <output_column_type> ... ] )
  [ IMPORTS = ( '<imports>' ) ]
  [ PACKAGES = ( '<package_name>' [, '<package_name>' . . .] ) ]
  [ TARGET_PATH = '<stage_path_and_file_name_to_write>' ]
  HANDLER = '<handler_class>'
  [ AS '<python_code>' ]

To associate the handler code you’ve written with the UDTF, you do the following when executing CREATE FUNCTION:

  • In RETURNS TABLE, specify output columns in column name and type pairs.


  • Set the IMPORTS clause value to the path and name of the handler class if the class is in an external location, such as on a stage.

    For more information, see Creating Python UDFs.

  • Set RUNTIME_VERSION to the version of the Python runtime that your code requires. The supported versions of Python are:

    • 3.9

    • 3.10

    • 3.11

    • 3.12 (Preview Feature — Open and available to all accounts.)

  • Set the PACKAGES clause value to the name of one or more packages, if any, required by the handler class.

    For more information, see Using third-party packages and Creating Python UDFs.

  • Set the HANDLER clause value to the name of the handler class.

    When associating Python handler code with a UDTF, you can either include the code in-line or refer to it at a location on a Snowflake stage. The HANDLER value is case-sensitive and must match the name of the Python class.

    For more information, see UDFs with in-line code vs. UDFs with code uploaded from a stage.


    For a scalar Python UDF, the HANDLER clause value contains the method name.

    For a Python UDTF, the HANDLER clause value contains the class name but not a method name.

    The reason for the difference is that for a scalar Python UDF, the name of the handler method is chosen by the user and therefore not known in advance by Snowflake, but for a Python UDTF, the names of the methods (such as the end_partition method) are known because they must match the names specified by Snowflake.

  • The AS '<python_code>' clause is required if the handler code is specified in-line with CREATE FUNCTION.

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