Design Guidelines and Constraints for Functions and Procedures

This topic describes constraints and guidelines to keep in mind when writing UDFs and stored procedures.

Keeping handler code in-line or on a stage

Choose whether to have your handler code in-line or packaged in a separate file.

Designing Handlers that Stay Within Snowflake-Imposed Constraints

Ensure stability within the Snowflake environment by developing within constraints described in this topic.

Naming and overloading procedures and UDFs

Learn the rules for naming and overloading procedures and UDFs.

Defining arguments for UDFs and stored procedures

Specify the arguments for your procedures and UDFs.

Data Type Mappings Between SQL and Handler Languages

Choose the best data types for argument and return values in handler code.

Making dependencies available to your code

Make your handler or its dependencies available for use at runtime on Snowflake.


Security Practices for UDFs and Procedures

Help your handler code execute securely using these best practices.

Protecting Sensitive Information with Secure UDFs and Stored Procedures

Ensure that sensitive information is concealed from users who should not have access to it.

Pushdown Optimization and Data Visibility

Learn about the pushdown optimization that makes queries more efficient, but which can also expose data that you might not want to be visible.

Language: English