Java stored procedure limitations


Stored procedures have the following limitations:

  • Concurrency is not supported. For example, from within your code, you cannot submit queries from multiple threads. Code that concurrently issues multiple queries will produce an error.

  • If you are executing your stored procedure from a task, you must specify a warehouse when creating the task. (You cannot use serverless compute resources to run the task.)

  • Keep in mind the following limitations for using some Snowpark APIs in your stored procedure.

    • When you use APIs that execute PUT and GET commands (including Session.sql("PUT ...") and Session.sql("GET ...")), you may write only to the /tmp directory in the memory-backed file system provided for the query calling the procedure.

    • Do not use APIs that create new sessions (for example, Session.builder().configs(...).create()).

    • Using session.jdbcConnection (and the connection returned from it) is not supported because it may result in unsafe behavior.

  • Creating named temp objects is not supported in an owner’s rights stored procedure. An owner’s rights stored procedure is a stored procedure that runs with the privileges of the stored procedure owner. For more information, refer to caller’s rights or owner’s rights.

Language: English