Update the connection configuration

Updating the connection configuration is a step that can be called directly after pausing the connector. This step allows the user to update properties required to establish a connection with the source system to start ingesting data into Snowflake. When overwriting with custom logic, this procedure needs to be replaced, to specify a custom Java handler.

Calling this procedure requires the user to have the ADMIN application role assigned.

The connection configuration step internally consists of several phases. Some of them are fully customizable and by default, don’t do anything. The phases are as follows:

  1. Status validation

  2. Input validation

  3. Draft callback

  4. Draft connection validation

  5. Configuration update

  6. Internal callback

  7. Connection validation

  8. Status update


Connection configuration requires at least the following sql files to be executed during Native App installation:

  • core.sql

  • configuration/app_config.sql

  • configuration/connection_configuration.sql

  • configuration/update_connection_configuration.sql

In case of this feature there is additional requirement dependent on the SDK user:

  • Custom implementation of PUBLIC.TEST_DRAFT_CONNECTION() and PUBLIC.TEST_CONNECTION() procedures

Status validation

To perform connection configuration update the internal status of the connector needs to be PAUSED.

This validation cannot be overwritten by using UpdateConnectionConfigurationHandlerBuilder nor by overwriting stored procedure. However, it is possible to implement a custom handler, which will not have this kind of validation.

Input validation

Input needs to be a variant containing a map of properties, however this is not enough sometimes. For that reason the SDK provides an internal stored procedure called: PUBLIC.UPDATE_CONNECTION_CONFIG_VALIDATE(config VARIANT). By default, this procedure just returns 'response_code': 'OK', but when overwriting it can update the provided config during validation. This feature enables custom logic like for example trimming the input, conversion to upper/lower case etc. To return config transformed in any way the response needs to contain additional "config" property in the response Variant, this property should contain the updated config as Variant. The procedure can be customized by overwriting through the SQL or by using UpdateConnectionConfigurationHandlerBuilder and providing custom implementation of the ConnectionConfigurationInputValidator interface.

The valid response from the custom implementation with transformation looks like this:

    "response_code" : "OK",
    "config": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"

Configuration update

Once the validations are passed successfully, configuration will be saved to the internal APP_CONFIG table. Service responsible for this will save the provided Variant under the connection_configuration key. This configuration has to be successfully validated by internal draft callback and draft connection validation to be updated, the set of provided properties is completely up to the user.

Internal draft callback

Internal callback is another customizable step. By default, it invokes PUBLIC.DRAFT_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL(connection_configuration VARIANT), which returns 'response_code': 'OK'. For example it can be used to alter other procedures by granting them external access integration. It can be overwritten through the sql script or by using a ConnectionConfigurationHandlerBuilder to provide custom implementation of the ConnectionConfigurationCallback interface.

Draft connection validation

This step will trigger a PUBLIC.TEST_DRAFT_CONNECTION(connection_configuration VARIANT) procedure. This procedure tries to query the source system for the data using data from input parameter as connection configuration. This procedure is not implemented by default and needs to be provided by the SDK user. Additionally, a ConnectionValidator interface implementation can be provided to the UpdateConnectionConfigurationHandlerBuilder to customize this phase. In this case, there is no need to implement stored procedure. The recommendation is to perform just a minimal connectivity check in this procedure to ensure that external access capabilities of Snowflake were configured correctly and the Connector has all required privileges to use them.

Internal callback

Internal callback is another customizable step. By default, it invokes PUBLIC.SET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL(connection_configuration VARIANT), which returns 'response_code': 'OK'. For example it can be used to alter other procedures by granting them external access integration. It can be overwritten through the sql script or by using a ConnectionConfigurationHandlerBuilder to provide custom implementation of the ConnectionConfigurationCallback interface.

Connection validation

This step will trigger a PUBLIC.TEST_CONNECTION procedure. This procedure has twinning action to the PUBLIC.TEST_DRAFT_CONNECTION(connection_configuration VARIANT) but has no input parameter and should be used for testing the official connection using a configuration saved in the database.

Viewing the configuration

There is a PUBLIC.GET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION() procedure available to the ADMIN and VIEWER users that returns a current connection configuration from the internal table.


Successful response

If the procedure finishes successfully it returns a response from TEST_CONNECTION procedure. We recommend using the following format:

  "response_code": "OK"

Error response

In case of an error the response follows the below format:

  "response_code": "<ERROR_CODE>",
  "message": "<error message>"

Possible error codes include:

  • INVALID_CONNECTOR_STATUS - Invalid connector status. Expected status: [PAUSED]

  • INTERNAL_ERROR - Something went wrong internally, the message should be descriptive

  • PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND - Procedure which was called does not exist. In this case it’s about TEST_CONNECTION and TEST_DRAFT_CONNECTION procedure mostly

  • UNKNOWN_SQL_ERROR - This error occurs when something unexpected happen when calling internal procedures

  • INVALID_RESPONSE - This error occurs when response received from internal procedure does not contain response_code or an error response does not contain message, but contains response_code

  • UNKNOWN_ERROR - It means that something unexpected went wrong - message of thrown exception is forwarded

  • Custom error codes received from TEST_DRAFT_CONNECTION() procedure - defined by connector developer

  • Custom error codes received from DRAFT_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL() procedure - defined by connector developer

  • Custom error codes received from TEST_CONNECTION() procedure - defined by connector developer

  • Custom error codes received from SET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL() procedure - defined by connector developer

Language: English