Reset configuration

Resetting the configuration is possible only in the wizard phase, and it can be done by calling the PUBLIC.RESET_CONFIGURATION() procedure. This procedure resets all prerequisites as not completed, deletes previously saved configuration, and sets the connector status to INSTALLED. It can be used if there is a need to reconfigure the connector (that is, go through the Prerequisites, Connection configuration, or Connector configuration step again). Connectors can only be reconfigured if you have not completed Finalize configuration step. Connector reconfiguration can be customized using SQL or ResetConfigurationHandlerBuilder.

Only users assigned the ADMIN application role can call the PUBLIC.RESET_CONFIGURATION() procedure.

Resetting configuration consists of the following configurable phases, which by default have no effect:

  1. Status validation

  2. State validation

  3. Internal callback

  4. SDK callback

  5. Status update


Configuration reset requires executing the following SQL files during native app installation:

  • core.sql

  • configuration/app_config.sql

  • configuration/prerequisites.sql

  • configuration/connector_configuration.sql

  • configuration/connection_configuration.sql

  • configuration/reset_configuration.sql

Status validation

To reset the configuration, the connector needs to be in the CONFIGURING status. The configuration status needs to be equal to one of the following: INSTALLED, PREREQUISITES_DONE, CONFIGURED, or CONNECTED. For the complete diagram of status transitions, see Connector flow.

Validation cannot be overwritten using ResetConfigurationHandlerBuilder or overwriting stored procedure. However, it is possible to implement a custom handler, which will not have this kind of validation.

State validation

The state validation phase is customizable and, by default, executes the PUBLIC.RESET_CONFIGURATION_VALIDATE() procedure, which returns 'response_code': 'OK'. This procedure can be customized by replacing the procedure using SQL or by implementing the ResetConfigurationValidator interface.

Internal callback

The internal callback phase is customizable and, by default, executes the PUBLIC.RESET_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL() procedure, which returns 'response_code': 'OK'. This procedure supports executing custom logic required when resetting the configuration. For example, deleting custom configuration. This procedure can be customized by replacing the procedure using SQL or by implementing the ResetConfigurationCallback interface.

SDK callback

SDK callback is used to update the SDK-controlled components. This step consists of the following processes, which are executed as a single transaction:

  1. Set all prerequisites as not completed

  2. Delete connector configuration

  3. Delete connections configuration

Set all prerequisites as not completed

During this step the IS_COMPLETED column is set to false for all records in the internal PREREQUISITES table.

Delete connector configuration

During this step, connector_configuration is deleted from the internal APP_CONFIG table.

Delete connector configuration

During this step, connection_configuration is deleted from the internal APP_CONFIG table.

The SDK callback cannot be overwritten using the ResetConfigurationHandlerBuilder or overwriting the stored procedure. It is possible to implement a custom handler, which will not have this callback.


The PUBLIC.CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION view returns the current configuration from the internal APP_CONFIG table. The PUBLIC.PREREQUISITES view returns prerequisites from the internal PREREQUISITES table. Both views are available to the ADMIN and VIEWER application roles.

Status update

When complete, this step sets the internal status of the connector to:

    "status": "CONFIGURING",
    "configurationStatus": "INSTALLED"


Successful response

If the procedure completes successfully it returns an OK response code as shown below:

  "response_code": "OK"

Error response

On error, the following response is returned:

  "response_code": "<ERROR_CODE>",
  "message": "<error message>"

Possible error codes include:

  • INVALID_CONNECTOR_STATUS - Invalid connector status. Expected status: [CONFIGURING].


  • INTERNAL_ERROR - Something went wrong internally, the message should be descriptive.

  • PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND - The procedure that was called does not exist.

  • UNKNOWN_SQL_ERROR - This error occurs when something unexpected happen when calling internal procedures.

  • INVALID_RESPONSE - This error occurs when response received from internal procedure does not contain response_code or an error response does not contain message, but contains response_code.

  • UNKNOWN_ERROR - It means that something unexpected went wrong (message of thrown exception is forwarded).

  • Custom error codes received from RESET_CONFIGURATION_INTERNAL and RESET_CONFIGURATION_VALIDATE procedures - defined by the connector developer.

Language: English