Snowflake Native App Framework:禁用应用程序时更新错误消息


此行为变更在 2024_02 捆绑包中。

有关捆绑包的当前状态,请参阅 捆绑包历史记录

使用者安装 Snowflake Native App 后,此应用程序可能因多种原因被禁用。


当禁用 Snowflake Native App 时,应用程序会返回一条错误消息,其中不会提及应用程序不再可用的原因。


当禁用 Snowflake Native App 时,应用程序会返回一条错误消息,提供有关应用程序不再可用的原因的信息。可能的错误消息有:

  • Application is no longer available for use: Application manually disabled.

  • Application is no longer available for use: Account or organization is inactive.

  • Application is no longer available for use: The version of this application is no longer available from the provider. The application must be dropped and recreated.

  • Application is no longer available for use: The Customer Managed Key (CMK) is not available for this account.

  • Application is no longer available for use: Access to the listing this application was installed from has been revoked, please contact the application provider for more details.


语言: 中文