Load and query sample data using Snowpark Python¶
This tutorial uses a fictitious food truck brand named Tasty Bytes to show you how to load and query data in Snowflake using Snowpark Python. You use a pre-loaded Python worksheet in Snowsight to complete these tasks.
The following illustration provides an overview of Tasty Bytes.

Snowflake bills a minimal amount for the on-disk storage used for the sample data in this tutorial. The tutorial provides steps to drop the database and minimize storage cost.
Snowflake requires a virtual warehouse to load the data and execute queries. A running virtual warehouse consumes Snowflake credits. In this tutorial, you will be using a 30-day trial account (https://signup.snowflake.com/), which provides free credits, so you won’t incur any costs.
What you will learn¶
In this tutorial you will learn how to complete the following tasks using the Snowpark Python API:
Create a database and schema.
Create a stage that holds data in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Create a DataFrame to specify the stage that is the source of the data.
Create a table that contains data from files on a stage.
Set up a DataFrame to query the new table and filter the data.
This tutorial assumes the following:
You have a supported browser.
You have a trial account. If you do not have a trial account yet, you can sign up for a free trial (https://signup.snowflake.com/). You can choose any Snowflake Cloud Region.
Your user is the account administrator and is granted the ACCOUNTADMIN system role. For more information, see Using the ACCOUNTADMIN Role.
This tutorial is only available to users with a trial account. The sample worksheet is not available for other types of accounts.
Step 1. Sign in using Snowsight¶
To access Snowsight over the public Internet, do the following:
In a supported web browser, navigate to https://app.snowflake.cn.
Provide your account identifier or account URL. If you’ve previously signed in to Snowsight, you might see an account name that you can select.
Sign in using your Snowflake account credentials.
Step 2. Open the Python worksheet¶
You can use Python worksheets to write and run Python code. Your trial account has access to a pre-loaded Python worksheet for this tutorial. The worksheet has the Python code that you will run to create a database, load data into it, and query the data. For more information about Python worksheets, see Writing Snowpark Code in Python Worksheets.
To open the pre-loaded tutorial Python worksheet:
Select Projects » Worksheets to open the list of worksheets.
Open [Tutorial] Using Python to load and query sample data.
Your worksheet looks similar to the following image.
This pre-loaded Python worksheet automatically uses the ACCOUNTADMIN system role so that you can view and manage objects in your account. For more information, see Using the ACCOUNTADMIN Role.
The worksheet also uses the COMPUTE_WH virtual warehouse. A warehouse provides the required resources to create and manage objects and run SQL commands. These resources include CPU, memory, and temporary storage. For more information, see Virtual warehouses.
Step 3. Learn how to use Python worksheets¶
Python worksheets let you use Snowpark Python in Snowsight to run SQL statements. This step in this tutorial describes the code in each step in the Python worksheet. When you use a Python worksheet, you cannot run individual blocks of code separately. You must run the whole worksheet. Before you select Run in the worksheet, review the following steps so that you better understand the Python code.
In the open Python worksheet, this step includes the following code:
import snowflake.snowpark as snowpark from snowflake.snowpark.functions import col from snowflake.snowpark.types import StructField, StructType, IntegerType, StringType, VariantType
This tutorial imports the
package and selected classes and functions so that they are available to your code.This step in the worksheet includes the following code:
def main(session: snowpark.Session):
This line defines the default
handler function. The handler function contains the code you will run in this tutorial. This line passes in aSession
object that you can use to execute SQL statements in Snowflake.# Use SQL to create our Tasty Bytes Database session.sql('CREATE OR REPLACE DATABASE tasty_bytes_sample_data;').collect()
This line creates a database named
. This database stores data in tables that you can manage and query. For more information, see Databases, Tables and Views - Overview.The code uses the sql method to create a DataFrame that represents the results of the SQL statement. In Snowpark, you can query and process data with a DataFrame. The code also uses the collect method to run the SQL statement represented by the DataFrame. The other lines of code in this step in the worksheet also use these methods.
# Use SQL to create our Raw POS (Point-of-Sale) Schema session.sql('CREATE OR REPLACE SCHEMA tasty_bytes_sample_data.raw_pos;').collect()
This line creates a schema named
in thetasty_bytes_sample_data
database. A schema is a logical grouping of database objects, such as tables and views. For example, a schema might contain the database objects required for a specific application.# Use SQL to create our Blob Stage session.sql('CREATE OR REPLACE STAGE tasty_bytes_sample_data.public.blob_stage url = "s3://sfquickstarts/tastybytes/" file_format = (type = csv);').collect()
This line creates a stage named
. A stage is a location that holds data files to load into a Snowflake database. This tutorial creates a stage that loads data from an Amazon S3 bucket. The tutorial uses an existing bucket with a CSV file that contains the data. It loads the data from this CSV file into the table that is created later in this tutorial. For more information, see Bulk loading from Amazon S3.This step in the worksheet includes the following code:
# Define our Menu Schema menu_schema = StructType([StructField("menu_id",IntegerType()),\ StructField("menu_type_id",IntegerType()),\ StructField("menu_type",StringType()),\ StructField("truck_brand_name",StringType()),\ StructField("menu_item_id",IntegerType()),\ StructField("menu_item_name",StringType()),\ StructField("item_category",StringType()),\ StructField("item_subcategory",StringType()),\ StructField("cost_of_goods_usd",IntegerType()),\ StructField("sale_price_usd",IntegerType()),\ StructField("menu_item_health_metrics_obj",VariantType())])
This code creates a
object namedmenu_schema
. This object consists of alist
objects that describe the fields in the CSV file in the stage. For more information, see Working With Files in a Stage.This step in the worksheet includes the following code:
# Create a Dataframe from our Menu file from our Blob Stage df_blob_stage_read = session.read.schema(menu_schema).csv('@tasty_bytes_sample_data.public.blob_stage/raw_pos/menu/')
This line creates the
DataFrame. This DataFrame is configured to read data from the CSV file located in the specified stage, using the specifiedmenu_schema
schema. The schema contains information about the types and names of the columns of data.# Save our Dataframe as a Menu table in our Tasty Bytes Database and Raw POS Schema df_blob_stage_read.write.mode("overwrite").save_as_table("tasty_bytes_sample_data.raw_pos.menu")
This code uses the save_as_table method to create the
table and load the data from the stage into it.This step in the worksheet includes the following code:
# Create a new Dataframe reading from our Menu table and filtering for the Freezing Point brand df_menu_freezing_point = session.table("tasty_bytes_sample_data.raw_pos.menu").filter(col("truck_brand_name") == 'Freezing Point')
This line creates the
DataFrame and configures it to query themenu
table. The filter method prepares the SQL for execution with a conditional expression. The conditional expression filters the rows in themenu
table to return the rows where thetruck_brand_name
column equalsFreezing Point
(similar to a WHERE clause).# return our Dataframe return df_menu_freezing_point
This line returns the
DataFrame so that the query is ready for execution. DataFrames are lazily evaluated, which means that this line does not send the query to the server for execution.
When you are ready, select Run to run the code and view the output. When you select Run, the Python worksheet executes the Python code, which generates and executes the SQL statements. The query for the returned DataFrame is executed, and the results are displayed in the worksheet.
Your output looks similar to the following image.

Step 4. Clean up, summary, and additional resources¶
Congratulations! You have successfully completed this tutorial for trial accounts.
Take a few minutes to review a short summary and the key points covered in this tutorial. Consider cleaning up by dropping any objects you created in this tutorial. Learn more by reviewing other topics in the Snowflake Documentation.
Clean up tutorial objects (optional)¶
If the objects you created in this tutorial are no longer needed, you can remove them from the system with DROP <object> commands. To remove the database you created, run the following command:
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS tasty_bytes_sample_data;
Summary and key points¶
In summary, you used a pre-loaded Python worksheet in Snowsight to complete the following steps in Python code:
Import Snowpark modules for a Python application.
Create a Python function.
Create a database and schema.
Create a stage that holds data in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Create a DataFrame to specify the source of the data in a stage.
Create a table that contains data from files on the stage,
Set up a DataFrame to query the new table and filter the data.
Here are some key points to remember about loading and querying data:
You used Snowpark to execute SQL statements in Python code.
You created a stage to load data from a CSV file.
You created a database to store the data and a schema to group the database objects logically.
You used a DataFrame to specify the data source and filter data for a query.
What’s next?¶
Continue learning about Snowflake using the following resources:
Complete the other tutorials provided by Snowflake:
Familiarize yourself with key Snowflake concepts and features, as well as the Snowpark Python classes and methods used to perform queries and insert/update data:
Try the Tasty Bytes Quickstarts provided by Snowflake:
Tasty Bytes Quickstarts (https://quickstarts.snowflake.com/?cat=tasty-bytes)