Setting Up Visual Studio Code for Snowpark Scala

This topic explains how to set up Visual Studio Code for Snowpark.

Setting Up Visual Studio Code for Scala Development

For convenience when writing Scala code in Visual Studio Code, install the Metals extension ( The Metals extension provides code completion, parameter hints, and information about types and methods.

To install the Metals extension:

  1. In the Activity Bar on the left side of the window (, click the Extensions icon.

    Extensions icon in the Activity Bar in Visual Studio Code

    (If the Activity Bar isn’t displayed, make sure that View » Appearance » Show Activity Bar is checked.)

    This displays the Extensions view, which allows you to browse and install extensions from the Extensions Marketplace.

  2. In the search box for Search Extensions in Marketplace, search for the term:

  3. In the search results, find the Scala (Metals) extension, and click Install.

For more information about the Scala (Metals) extension, see Visual Studio Code ( in the Metals documentation (

Creating a New Scala Project in Visual Studio Code

Next, create a new Scala project for Snowpark.

  1. Create a workspace directory for your projects. For example:

    mkdir snowpark_projects

    This directory will contain subdirectories for the projects that you create.

  2. In Visual Studio Code, choose File » Open, select the directory that you created, and click Open.

  3. In the Activity Bar on the left, click the Metals icon.

    Metals extension icon in the Activity Bar in Visual Studio Code
  4. Under Packages in the Side Bar (to the right ( of the Activity Bar), click the New Scala Project button.

    Button to create a new Scala project Visual Studio Code
  5. Select a template to use for the new project (e.g. scala/hello-world.g8).

  6. Select the workspace directory that you created earlier (snowpark_projects), and click Ok.

  7. Enter a name for the new project (e.g. hello_snowpark).

  8. When prompted by the dialog box in the lower right corner of the window, click Yes to open the new project in a new window.

    Dialog box prompting you to open the new project in a new window
  9. When prompted by the dialog box in the lower right corner of the window, click Import build to import the build (

    Dialog box prompting you to import the build for the new project

Configuring the Visual Studio Code Project for Snowpark

Next, configure the project for Snowpark.

  1. In the Activity Bar on the left side of the window (, make sure that the Explorer icon (the first icon at the top) is selected.

    Explorer icon selected in the Activity Bar in Visual Studio Code
  2. Under Explorer in the Side Bar (to the right ( of the Activity Bar), under your project, select the build.sbt file for editing.

    Selecting the build.sbt file for editing

    In the build.sbt file for your project, make the following changes:

    1. If the scalaVersion setting does not match the version that you plan to use, update the setting. For example:

      scalaVersion := "2.12.13"

      Note that you must use a Scala version that is supported for use with the Snowpark library.

    2. Add the Snowpark library to the list of dependencies. For example:

      libraryDependencies += "com.snowflake" % "snowpark" % "1.15.0"
  3. After making those changes, choose File » Save to save your changes.

  4. When prompted by the dialog box in the lower right corner of the window, click Import changes to re-import the file (

    Dialog box prompting you to re-import the build.sbt file

Verifying Your Visual Studio Code Project Configuration

To verify that you have configured your project to use Snowpark, run a simple example of Snowpark code.

  1. In the Activity Bar on the left side of the window (, make sure that the Explorer icon (the first icon at the top) is selected.

    Explorer icon selected in the Activity Bar in Visual Studio Code
  2. Under Explorer in the Side Bar, under your project, expand the src/main/scala folder, and select and open the Main.scala file.

  3. In the Main.scala file, replace the contents with the code below:

    import com.snowflake.snowpark._
    import com.snowflake.snowpark.functions._
    object Main {
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        // Replace the <placeholders> below.
        val configs = Map (
          "URL" -> "https://<account_identifier>",
          "USER" -> "<user name>",
          "PASSWORD" -> "<password>",
          "ROLE" -> "<role name>",
          "WAREHOUSE" -> "<warehouse name>",
          "DB" -> "<database name>",
          "SCHEMA" -> "<schema name>"
        val session = Session.builder.configs(configs).create
        session.sql("show tables").show()

    Note the following:

    • Replace the <placeholders> with values that you use to connect to Snowflake.

    • For <account_identifier>, specify your account identifier.

    • If you prefer to use key pair authentication:

      • Replace PASSWORD with PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, and set it to the path to your private key file.

      • If the private key is encrypted, you must set PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PWD to the passphrase for decrypting the private key.

      As an alternative to setting PRIVATE_KEY_FILE and PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PWD, you can set the PRIVATEKEY property to the string value of the unencrypted private key from the private key file.

      • For example, if your private key file is unencrypted, set this to the value of the key in the file (without the -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY----- header and footer and without the line endings).

      • Note that if the private key is encrypted, you must decrypt the key before setting it as the value of the PRIVATEKEY property.

  4. Click run above the Object line to run the example.

If the following error message appears:

Run session not started

check the Problems tab in the bottom of the window. If this tab does not appear in the bottom of the window, select the View > Problems item from the menu.

Language: English