Snowflake Python Demos API

The Snowflake Python Demos library (snowflake.demos) helps you rapidly scaffold demos for Snowflake Notebooks by automating environment setup tasks such as configuring the database, schema, role, permissions, and dataset access, to streamline getting started with Snowflake Notebooks.

With this library, you can do the following:

  • Load and set up Snowflake Notebooks demos in your Snowflake environment.

  • Explore interactive notebooks step by step to get hands-on experience.

  • Tear down resources easily when you’re done.


Before you get started with the Snowflake Demos API, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you have installed one of the supported Python versions.

  2. Install the Snowflake Demos library.

  3. Set up a default Snowflake connection.

  4. Import snowflake.demos.

Supported Python versions

The supported versions of Python are:

  • 3.9

  • 3.10

  • 3.11

  • 3.12

Install the Snowflake Demos library

You can install the Snowflake Demos library for use with conda or a virtual environment. To set up the library, do the following:

  1. Activate a Python environment.

  2. Install the library by running the following pip install command:

    pip install snowflake.demos

Set up a default Snowflake connection

The Snowflake Demos API uses the default connection for the Snowflake Python Connector. To configure this connection, follow the instructions in Setting a default connection.

For example, to specify a named connection as the default connection in your Snowflake config.toml file, you add your default connection name to the config.toml file as follows:

default_connection_name = '<connection_name>'

For information about specifying connection definitions in a TOML configuration file, see Connecting using the connections.toml file.

Import snowflake.demos

To use the library in your terminal, you can open an interactive shell such as the standard Python REPL by running the following command (which might vary depending on your Python environment):


In the REPL session, import the library and the relevant functions by running the following code:

from snowflake.demos import help, load_demo, teardown

Listing available demos

After importing the library, you can use the help() function to see the list of available demos that you can load and start exploring. This function returns a table with the following columns:

  • demo_name – A dash-delimited string representing the demo name.

  • title – The human-readable demo name title.

  • num_steps – The number of steps in the demo.

Current list of available demos

The Snowflake demos API currently supports the following list of demos:





Getting Started with Snowpark in Snowflake Notebooks and Python Worksheets



Getting Started with Snowflake ML



Data Analysis and Churn Prediction Using Snowflake Notebooks



Getting Started with Snowflake Container Runtime



Introduction to Feature Store using Snowflake Notebooks



Getting Started with Partitioned Models and Snowflake Model Registry


Working with demos

After completing the prerequisites, you can start using the Snowflake Demos API to work with demos as follows.

Load and explore a demo

To load a specific demo and set up its associated resources in Snowflake, call load_demo() with an argument specifying the demo_name of any supported demo, as found in the help() output. For example:



To store a reference to the demo as an object, you can assign the result of load_demo() to a variable:

demo = load_demo('get-started-snowflake-ml')

Assigning the result to a variable is required if you’re working with a multi-step demo (num_steps > 1). You will need this reference to call show_next() or show(step=<number>) to move to the next notebook in the demo.

You can also use this reference to quickly tear down the demo later.

This function does the following:

  • Creates a connection to Snowflake if it’s the first time you’re loading a demo.

  • Creates the necessary notebooks.

  • Displays the notebook URL for the first step of the demo (step 1), if you are not assigning load_demo() to a variable.

    • If you assign load_demo() to a variable, you need to call to get the first notebook URL.

The output should look similar to the following:

Connecting to Snowflake...✅
Using ACCOUNTADMIN role...✅
Creating Database SNOWFLAKE_DEMO_DB...✅
Creating Warehouse SNOWFLAKE_DEMO_WH...✅
Uploading files to stage SNOWFLAKE_DEMO_STAGE/get-started-snowflake-ml and creating notebooks...
Creating notebook get_started_snowflake_ml_start_here...✅
Creating notebook get_started_snowflake_ml_sf_nb_snowflake_ml_feature_transformations...✅
Creating notebook get_started_snowflake_ml_sf_nb_snowflake_ml_model_training_inference...✅
Creating notebook get_started_snowflake_ml_sf_nb_snowpark_ml_adv_mlops...✅
Running setup for this demo...✅


A known issue exists with the printed notebook URLs. If the URL doesn’t open directly, you can copy and paste it into a new browser tab, or access the notebook manually in Snowsight under the Notebooks tab.

View the demo URL

You can use the show() function to get the URL to the current or a specific step in the demo.

To get the URL for the notebook for the current step in the demo, first assign the result of load_demo() to a variable such as demo, and then call show() with no arguments:

The output should look similar to the following:

Showing step 1.
Please copy and paste this url in your web browser to open the notebook:

To get the notebook URL for a specific step in the demo, pass the step argument with a specified step number to show().

To get the notebook URL for the next step in a multi-step demo, use the show_next() function:


Delete a demo and its resources

When you’re done exploring the demos that you set up, you might want to clean up all created resources, datasets, and notebooks that were created.

To delete a single demo and its associated resources, first assign the result of load_demo() to a variable such as demo, and then call teardown() on it.


To delete all demos and any associated resources that have been set up, call teardown() as a top-level function.

Language: English