Pre-processing and post-processing with models

This topic explains how to create models, log them to the Snowflake Model Registry, and deploy them, using a number of model types and scenarios as examples. These include:

  • In-memory scikit-learn models and pipelines.

  • Your own custom models.

  • More than one model.

In-memory scikit-learn models and pipelines

Snowflake ML allows seamless integration of in-memory scikit-learn models into the Model Registry by using keyword arguments with ModelContext class. Below is an example of passing an in-memory scikit-learn model as a keyword argument to model context and calling it in a custom model class.

from sklearn import datasets, svm
import pandas as pd
from import custom_model

# Step 1: Import the Iris dataset
iris_X, iris_y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True)

# Step 2: Initialize a scikit-learn LinearSVC model and train it
svc = svm.LinearSVC(), iris_y)

# Step 3: Initialize ModelContext with keyword arguments
mc = custom_model.ModelContext(

# Step 4: Define a custom model class to utilize the context
class ExampleSklearnModel(custom_model.CustomModel):
    def __init__(self, context: custom_model.ModelContext) -> None:

    def predict(self, input: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        # Use the model from the context for predictions
        model_output = self.context['my_model'].predict(input)
        # Return the predictions in a DataFrame
        return pd.DataFrame({'output': model_output})

Using scikit-learn pipelines with Snowflake ML

Below is an example showing how to use scikit-learn pipelines within Snowflake ML. This involves preprocessing steps such as scaling or imputing, followed by a predictive model, all managed within a custom model class using the ModelContext.

from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
import pandas as pd
from import custom_model

# Step 1: Load the Iris dataset
iris_X, iris_y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True)

# Step 2: Create a scikit-learn pipeline
# The pipeline includes:
# - A SimpleImputer to handle missing values
# - A StandardScaler to standardize the data
# - A Support Vector Classifier (SVC) for predictions
pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')),
    ('scaler', StandardScaler()),
    ('classifier', SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True))

# Step 3: Fit the pipeline to the dataset, iris_y)

# Step 4: Initialize ModelContext with the pipeline
mc = custom_model.ModelContext(

# Step 5: Define a custom model class to utilize the pipeline
class ExamplePipelineModel(custom_model.CustomModel):
    def __init__(self, context: custom_model.ModelContext) -> None:

    def predict(self, input: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        # Use the pipeline from the context to process input and make predictions
        predictions = self.context['pipeline_model'].predict(input)
        probabilities = self.context['pipeline_model'].predict_proba(input)

        # Return predictions and probabilities as a DataFrame
        return pd.DataFrame({
            'predictions': predictions,
            'probability_class_0': probabilities[:, 0],
            'probability_class_1': probabilities[:, 1]

# Example usage:
# Convert new input data into a DataFrame
new_input = pd.DataFrame(iris_X[:5])  # Using the first 5 samples for demonstration

# Initialize the custom model and run predictions
custom_pipeline_model = ExamplePipelineModel(context=mc)
result = custom_pipeline_model.predict(new_input)


Using your own models

The following example uses your own model as a custom model.

mc = custom_model.ModelContext(

from import custom_model
import pandas as pd
import json

class ExampleYourOwnModel(custom_model.CustomModel):
    def __init__(self, context: custom_model.ModelContext) -> None:

    def predict(self, input: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        model_output = self.context['my_model'].predict(features)
        return pd.DataFrame({'output': model_output})

Using more than one model

Below is a custom model that combines multiple models and uses a configuration file to apply bias when generating predictions.

mc = custom_model.ModelContext(


model1 and model2 are objects of any type of model natively supported by the registry. feature_preproc is a scikit-learn pipeline object.

from import custom_model
import pandas as pd
import json

class ExamplePipelineModel(custom_model.CustomModel):

    def predict(self, input: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return pd.DataFrame(...)

# Here is the fully-functional custom model that uses both model1 and model2
class ExamplePipelineModel(custom_model.CustomModel):
    def __init__(self, context: custom_model.ModelContext) -> None:

    def predict(self, input: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        features = self.context['feature_preproc'].transform(input)
        model_output = self.context['model1'].predict(
        return pd.DataFrame({'output': model_output})
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