Stored Procedures: put_stream Uses Different Way to Get the File Name


This behavior change is in the 2023_02 bundle.

For the current status of the bundle, refer to Bundle History.

The way you use put_stream inside stored procedures to upload files to a stage has changed and now aligns with the put_stream protocol to Snowpark Python client.


Uploading files using put_stream from stored procedures was called using a stage_prefix and an input_stream. The stored procedure infered the file name from input_stream using and uploading it to the stage_prefix.put_stream would break in the case where input_stream did not have the name attribute. This behavior differed from put_stream on the Snowpark Python client.


Uploading files using put_stream from stored procedures is called using a stage_location = stage_prefix + / + file_name, and an input_stream. The stored procedure infers the file name using stage_location. This would work in the case where input_stream does not have a name attribute and the behavior also aligns with the Snowpark Python client.


Customers using put_stream without a full stage location should update their code to upload files using a full stage location with stage prefix and target file name.

Ref: 943

Language: English