Lists information about existing join policies, including the creation date, database and schema names, owner, and any available comments.

See also:

Join policy DDL reference


SHOW JOIN POLICIES  [ LIKE '<pattern>' ]
                           [ IN
                                 ACCOUNT |
                                 DATABASE [ <database_name> ] |
                                 SCHEMA [ <schema_name> ] |


LIKE 'pattern'

Optionally filters the command output by object name. The filter uses case-insensitive pattern matching, with support for SQL wildcard characters (% and _).

For example, the following patterns return the same results:

... LIKE '%testing%' ...
... LIKE '%TESTING%' ...

. Default: No value (no filtering is applied to the output).

[ IN ... ]

Optionally specifies the scope of the command. Specify one of the following:


Returns records for the entire account.


Returns records for the current database in use or for a specified database (db_name).

If you specify DATABASE without db_name and no database is in use, the keyword has no effect on the output.

SCHEMA, . SCHEMA schema_name, . schema_name

Returns records for the current schema in use or a specified schema (schema_name).

SCHEMA is optional if a database is in use or if you specify the fully qualified schema_name (for example, db.schema).

If no database is in use, specifying SCHEMA has no effect on the output.

Default: Depends on whether the session currently has a database in use:

  • Database: DATABASE is the default (that is, the command returns the objects you have privileges to view in the database).

  • No database: ACCOUNT is the default (that is, the command returns the objects you have privileges to view in your account).

Access control requirements

A role used to execute this SQL command must have at least one of the following privileges at a minimum:







Join policy


Join policy

OWNERSHIP is a special privilege on an object that is automatically granted to the role that created the object, but can also be transferred using the GRANT OWNERSHIP command to a different role by the owning role (or any role with the MANAGE GRANTS privilege).

The USAGE privilege on the parent database and schema are required to perform operations on any object in a schema.

For instructions on creating a custom role with a specified set of privileges, see Creating custom roles.

For general information about roles and privilege grants for performing SQL actions on securable objects, see Overview of Access Control.

For more information about join policy DDL and privileges, see Managing join policies.

Usage notes

  • The command does not require a running warehouse to execute.

  • The value for LIMIT rows cannot exceed 10000. If LIMIT rows is omitted, the command results in an error if the result set is larger than 10K rows.

    To view results for which more than 10K records exist, either include LIMIT rows or query the corresponding view in the Snowflake Information Schema.

  • To post-process the output of this command, you can use the RESULT_SCAN function, which treats the output as a table that can be queried.


| created_on                    | name | database_name | schema_name    | kind        | owner        | comment | owner_role_type | options |
| 2024-12-04 15:15:49.591 -0800 | JP1  | POLICY1_DB    | POLICY1_SCHEMA | JOIN_POLICY | POLICY1_ROLE |         | ROLE            |         |
Language: English