Using explicit transactions¶
To execute SQL statements in an explicit transaction, you must use a single HTTP request to specify the start, end, and statements in the transaction. For example:
"statement": "begin transaction; insert into table2 (i) values (1); commit; select i from table1 order by i",
"parameters": {
As is the case when you specify multiple statements in a request,
if the request was processed successfully, Snowflake returns a response containing the statementHandles
field, which is
set to an array of handles for the statements in the request (including the BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT statements).
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"resultSetMetaData" : {
"numRows" : 1,
"format" : "jsonv2",
"rowType" : [ {
"name" : "multiple statement execution",
"database" : "",
"schema" : "",
"table" : "",
"type" : "text",
"byteLength" : 16777216,
"scale" : null,
"precision" : null,
"nullable" : false,
"collation" : null,
"length" : 16777216
} ]
"data" : [ [ "Multiple statements executed successfully." ] ],
"code" : "090001",
"statementHandles" : [ "019d6ed0-0502-3101-0000-096d00421082", "019d6ed0-0502-3101-0000-096d00421086", "019d6ed0-0502-3101-0000-096d0042108a", "019d6ed0-0502-3101-0000-096d0042108e" ],
"statementStatusUrl" : "/api/v2/statements/019d6ed0-0502-3101-0000-096d0042107e?requestId=066920fa-e589-43c6-8cca-9dcb2d4be978",
"sqlState" : "00000",
"statementHandle" : "019d6ed0-0502-3101-0000-096d0042107e",
"message" : "Statement executed successfully.",
"createdOn" : 1625684162876
The handles in the statementHandles
field correspond to the statements in the request. In this example, the statements and
their corresponding handles are:
You can use these handles to check the status of each statement.