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Series.to_numpy(dtype: npt.DTypeLike | None = None, copy: bool = False, na_value: object = _NoDefault.no_default, **kwargs: Any) np.ndarray[source] (

A NumPy ndarray representing the values in this Series or Index.

  • dtype (str or numpy.dtype, optional) – The dtype to pass to numpy.asarray().

  • copy (bool, default False) – This argument is ignored in Snowflake backend. The data from Snowflake will be retrieved into the client, and a numpy array containing this data will be returned.

  • na_value (Any, optional) – The value to use for missing values. The default value depends on dtype and the type of the array.

  • **kwargs – Additional keywords passed through to the to_numpy method of the underlying array (for extension arrays).

Return type:


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