Tutorials: Getting started with the Snowflake REST APIs

With the Snowflake REST APIs, you can use REST to manage Snowflake resource objects. You can create, drop, and alter tables, schemas, warehouses, tasks, and more, without writing SQL or using the Snowflake Connector for Python.

In the following tutorials, you learn how to get started with the API for object and task management in Snowflake.


  • A Snowflake account


  • A JWT token for authentication

  • Postman installed on your systems

  • Familiarity with using Postman

What you’ll learn

  • How to import Postman collections

  • How to authenticate your connection using Postman

  • How to create databases, schemes, tables, and warehouses using the API

  • How to create and manage tasks using the API


The following tutorials provide step-by-step instructions for you to explore the Snowflake REST APIs:

Common setup for Snowflake REST APIs tutorials

Setup steps for exploring the tutorials

Tutorial 1: Create and manage databases, schemas, and tables

Step-by-step instructions to create a Snowflake database, schema, table, and virtual warehouse

Tutorial 2: Create and manage tasks

Step-by-step instructions to create and manage tasks and task graphs

Language: English