Responses and error handling

The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors uses certain standard responses, especially for procedures exposed and designed to be used from the UI. Additionally it provides a way to ensure that exceptions are mapped to valid responses and logged into the EVENT TABLE.


The SDK procedures, both high-level ones and internal ones, use variant of a certain structure to pass information. The requirement for such a variant is that it has to contain a response_code field, and in some cases the response code is different than OK, in the required message field. Any additional field can be included, but it requires further custom handling. THe response format is:

    "response_code": "<response code>",
    "message": "<message>"

It is recommended to use this format when replacing default implementations of the procedures and objects.

Error handling

The Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors provides a useful default mechanism to handle exceptions that can occur during runtime. The class responsible for this is called ConnectorErrorHelper and its default implementation is DefaultConnectorErrorHelper. This feature provides 2 customizable callbacks. The first one, ExceptionMapper, is responsible for wrapping all unexpected errors into the ConnectorException format. This feature is used mainly to ensure responses are compliant with the format mentioned above.

The second callback, called ExceptionLogger, ensures that the error is logged. This is important because all standard log entries are then saved in the EVENT TABLE by Snowflake, which helps when resolving problems with the applications.

How to use the helper

The helper exposes 2 methods:

  • withExceptionWrapping(Supplier<ConnectorResponse> action)

  • withExceptionLogging(Supplier<T> action)

Those methods respectively use mapper and logger mentioned above. There is also a default implementation of a helper method which mixes those approaches together:

default ConnectorResponse withExceptionLoggingAndWrapping(Supplier<ConnectorResponse> action) {
    return withExceptionWrapping(() -> withExceptionLogging(action));

It is recommended to use this wrapping at the highest possible level when invoking a method from a handler. For example in ConnectionConfigurationHandler it is used like this:

public static Variant setConnectionConfiguration(Session session, Variant configuration) {
    var handler = ConnectionConfigurationHandler.builder(session).build();
    return handler.setConnectionConfiguration(configuration).toVariant();

public ConnectorResponse setConnectionConfiguration(Variant configuration) {
    return errorHelper.withExceptionLoggingAndWrapping(
        () -> setConnectionConfigurationBody(configuration)

The SDK also exposes a builder to customize this behavior, called ConnectorErrorHelperBuilder. This builder allows the developer to customize the behavior of the mapper and logger callbacks. Once customized the new helper can be passed to the handler classes in their respective builders. For example:

class CustomUnknownExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<Exception> {

    public ConnectorException map(Exception exception) {
        return new CustomConnectorException(exception);

class CustomHandler {

    // Path to this method needs to be specified in the PUBLIC.SET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION procedure using SQL
    public static Variant configureConnection(Session session, Variant configuration) {
            //Using builder
        var errorHelper = new ConnectorErrorHelperBuilder()
            .withConnectorExceptionLogger(new CustomUnknownExceptionMapper())

        var handler = ConnectionConfigurationHandler.builder(session)

        return handler.connectionConfiguration(configuration).toVariant();
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