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class snowflake.snowpark.Table(table_name: str, session: Optional[Session] = None, is_temp_table_for_cleanup: bool = False)[source] (

Bases: DataFrame

Represents a lazily-evaluated Table. It extends DataFrame so all DataFrame operations can be applied to it.

You can create a Table object by calling Session.table() with the name of the table in Snowflake. See examples in Session.table().



Deletes rows in a Table and returns a DeleteResult, representing the number of rows deleted.


Drops the table from the Snowflake database.


Merges this Table with DataFrame source on the specified join expression and a list of matched or not-matched clauses, and returns a MergeResult, representing the number of rows inserted, updated and deleted by this merge action.

sample([frac, n, seed, sampling_method])

Samples rows based on either the number of rows to be returned or a percentage of rows to be returned.


Updates rows in the Table with specified assignments and returns a UpdateResult, representing the number of rows modified and the number of multi-joined rows modified.



Whether the table is cached.


The table name

Language: English